Tuesday, March 18, 2014



Will Rogers wrote in his New York Times column on September 30, 1923:  “Well all I know is what I read in the papers.  


Most people are like Will Rogers they consider Newspapers an important source of information.


What I have been reading in the papers about the American economy.



U.S. posts a December budget surplus of $53.22 billion last month. 


The 1.2 percentage-point drop in the nation’s jobless rate to 6.7 percent in 2013 was the steepest decline since 1983.  The country’s deficit as a share of domestic product was cut by more than half.


Job growth in 2013 totaled 2.19 million job, the third straight year exceeding 2 million and sending unemployment to the lowest level since October 2008.  

Wall Street Journal January 13, 2014



The U.S. budget deficit narrowed by 37% in the first four months of the fiscal year.


The nation’s deficit as a share of the economy is expected to shrink to a 7 year low in the 12 months ending September 30.  The unemployment rate fell  6.6% last month.

Arkansas Democrat Gazette February 13, 2014.


Larry Ellison of Oracle was the highest paid CEO in America in 2012  with $96.2 million and Peter Kraus was  # 15 with $36.0 million. Business Insider October 26, 2013


Bill Gates, an American is the world’s richest man with $76 billion, and 8 of the top 10 world’s richest people live in AMERICA and made their money from an AMERICAN based business.  Forbes magazine March 3, 3014



The S&P 500 rose 9.13 points to close at 1,854.20 topping its all time closing high of 1,848.38 U.S.A Today February 27, 2014



Natural gas production will grow 56% from 2012 to 2040 according to DOE. 

The net import share of U.S energy consumption could drop to as little as 4% by 2040—down from 16% in 2012, and 30% in 2005. U.S.A Today December 13, 2013



The U.S has become the largest natural gas producer in the world with 65 billion cubic feet extracted daily.  The Wall Street Journal February 28, 2014


Corporate profits are at record highs and taxes at their lowest level in 40 years.  In 2011 the corporate tax rate paid fell to 12.1% of profits compared to 25.6% from 1987 to 2008.Wall Street Journal February 5, 2012




Michael Brown an economist at Wells Fargo Securities said:  “We  continue to see economic conditions improve, which is being reflected in the budget deficits continuing to narrow.”   Wall Street Journal January 13, 2014


Most Americans who read their papers agree with Mr. Brown that the American economy is improving. The economy is certainly in better condition in 2014 than it was in 2007-2008 when Republicans were in the White House. Historians describe 2007-2008 as “the second worst economic disaster in America’s history.”


What would Will Rogers say about the untrue mean spirited personal attacks in our papers in 2014?   Attacks which produce fear, hate and division among hard working law abiding well meaning citizens.


What would Will say about Ted Nugent, who recently described  President Obama as  “a Chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist nurtured subhuman mongrel, ACORN community organizing gangster.”


 What would Will say about Jeffrey Kuhner who said: “President Obama is gradually transforming America into a socialist authoritarian state. Mr. Obama is behaving like a Latin American strongman, who assert arbitrary power and ignores the rule of law. It is a usurpation of centralized power—a naked attempt to entrench an imperial presidency. HIS GOAL IS SIMPLE: TO DESTROY THE AMERICAN NATION.”


More important how do you as an American citizen react to the Ted Nugent’s and the Jeffrey Kuhner’s in our society?  Do you do nothing or do you have the courage to condemn what they are saying?   Do you condemn and vote against politicians who engage in such untrue personal attacks or do you support them with your money and vote?










On January 2, 2011 Arkansas Republicans were in control of the Arkansas Legislature for the first time in 138 years.


When Republicans were last in control of the Arkansas Legislature from 1868 to 1874 and held all political offices at the State and Federal level the struggle for control of the Republican Party led to an armed conflict known in history as the Brooks-Baxter War.

Elisha Baxter leader of the Minstriels or Carpetbagger faction was elected Governor by a narrow margin. Joseph Brooks the Brindle Tail or Scalawag losing candidate took control of the government by force.  Brooks and Baxter both raised armies which totaled more then 3,000 men who engaged in several bloody battles with casualties estimated from 40 to about 200. The war ended when President Grant intervened on behalf of Baxter.


From 1868 to 1874 Republicans enacted laws which prohibited Confederates from voting or holding office thereby disenfranchising most people in Arkansas.


After the adoption of Arkansas’ current constitution in 1874, restoring Confederates the right to vote and hold office, Democrats held most of the political offices in Arkansas at both the state and federal level until January 2, 2011.


From 1874 to 1961  Republicans were not a factor in Arkansas politics and were dominated by the Remmel, Townsend and Cobb families and a handful of their friends. H.L Remmel was Republican Party Chairman from 1900 -1925 , Ellen Remmel served as Republican National Committeewoman from 1928-1957, Wallace Townsend  was Republican national committeeman  1928-1961 and the Lily White Republican candidate for Governor in 1916 and 1920, Osro Cobb was Republican Party Chairman from 1932-1955. Republican candidates for a few offices were usually selected during dinner at the Little Rock Country Club.


In 1951 the voters in Little Rock elected Republican Pratt Remmel mayor and he was re-elected to a second term in 1953.


In 1961 Winthrop Rockefeller a liberal New York Yankee became Republican Party Chairman.  Osro Cobb who had been the Republican Party spokesman for over 30 years and party chairman for over 20 years described the Rockefeller takeover in this language:

“Rockefeller used ruthless tactics to convert the fine Republican state organization into a one-man Rockefeller machine, loyal not to the party but to Rockefeller personally.  Such one man dictatorship is clearly the deadly enemy of any semblance of two-party government. Faithful Republican leaders who have worked tirelessly over the years have been pushed aside or replaced.”


In the 1964 general election Cobb supported Orval Faubus, Democrat in his successful race for governor again Rockefeller.




In 1966 for the first time since 1870 the voters of Arkansas elected RepublicanWinthrop Rockefeller governor, Republican Mauriece Britt Lt. Governor and John Hammerschmidt Congressman from the Third Congressional District.


Every two years since 1966 voters in the Third Congressional have elected a Republican to that office


In 1968 Rockefeller and Britt we re-elected and Arkansas was considered to be a two party State.


In 1978-1980-1982 voters in the Second Congressional District elected Republican Ed. Bethune as their Congressman.


In 1981 the voters of Arkansas elected Republican Frank White Governor who proclaimed his election was a “victory for the Lord.”


In 1996 for the first time since 1874 Arkansas voters elected Republican Tim Hutchinson to the U.S. Senate.


In a special election in 1993 the voters of Arkansas elected Republican Mike Huckabee Lt. Governor and he was re-elected in 1994. When Governor Tucker resigned January 15, 1996 Huckabee became Governor and was re-elected in 1998 and 2002.


At the 2010 general election Arkansas voters elected a Republican: U.S. Senator, 3 of the 4 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, 51 members of the Arkansas House, 21 members of the Arkansas Senate, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State and Commissioner of State Lands. Since January 2011 when these Republicans assumed their offices the Republican Party has been in control of the political agenda in Arkansas.


How these Republicans have performed in office will be examined in a future column.














Thursday, March 6, 2014


In the January issue of Forbes magazine Steve Forbes expressed his anger at what he describes as White House lies.  Forbes failure to express anger at Republican lies (which I prefer to describe as “untruths”)  brought to mind verse 3 Chapter 7 of Matthew: “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye.”


In order to SAVE $1.4 million a year and be in a SAFER location from terrorist attack  the U.S. State Department announced in November 2013 the Vatican Embassy was being MOVED to another location.


A few days after the MOVING of the Vatican announcement Republicans set up a web page of “untruths” claiming President Obama was CLOSING the Vatican embassy with a petition for people to sign asking President Obama not to close the Embassy.  http://yourvoice.nrs.org/landing/vatican-embassy



The Republican “untruth” that President Obama was closing the Vatican Embassy was repeated by various Republicans including former Republican Ambassadors, Republican Congressmen, and repeated in the National Catholic Reporter newspaper. 


Jeb Bush on November 27, 2013 tweetd Under the headline ‘OBAMA CLOSES VATICAN EMBASSY”  “Why would our President close our embassy to the Vatican? Hopefully, it is not retribution for Catholic Organizations opposing Obamacare.


When the Vatican and the U.S State Department exposed this Republican “untruth” the Republican web page disappeared without apology or correction of the “untruth.”


Other Republican “untruths” about President Obama from a very long list:


“Troubling aspects of the Obama presidency is the president’s persistent pattern of lawlessness, his willingness to disregard the written law and instead enforce his own policies via executive fiat.”  Ted Cruz


“Obama espouses some phony theology.  Oh, not a theology based on the Bible.  A different theology.”  Rick Santorum


“Obama is pursuing an agenda of Christophobia that seeks the destruction of the family, Christian culture and Christian civilization.”  Mike Coffman


“Obama is the Food Stamp President.” Newt Gingrich


“Obama is anti American and gives aid to terrorists.”  Michele Bachmann


“Obama is a closeted Muslim deliberately trying to destroy America and the Department of Homeland Security is hoarding ammunition to kill Fischer and his allies.”  Bryan Fisher


 “Obama is an enemy of the church who is waging a war on Christians and is creating a Socialist empire to nationalize your body and create a nation of economic deadbeats and social parasites:  Jeffry Kuhner


“We’ve got a Muslim president who hates farming, hates the military, hates the U.S. and we hate him.”  Hank Williams Jr.


President Obama and a Democrat controlled Congress passed The Patient Protection and Affordable Act in 2010 (ACA) which was approved as the law of the land by the U.S Supreme court on June 28, 2012


 Some Republican “untruths”  about  (ACA) which they refer to as Obamacare


“This law is going to destroy America and everything in America, and we need to stop it.” Paul Broun


“That’s why we are here:  Because we are saying let’s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. Let’s not do that. Let’s love people. Let’s care about people. Let’s repeal it now.”  Michele Bachmann.


 “Obamacare is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed in Congress.”  John Fleming


“If Obamacare is ever implemented and enforced we will never recover from it.  It is an unconstitutional taking of God given liberty.”  Steve King


Facts about health care legislation in the U.S:


Massachusetts adopted a health care plan in 2006

    A Republican Governor, Mitt Romney, sponsored and signed the law.

    Jonathan Gruber a professor at MIT for over 30 years was the key architect of the Mass healthcare law.

     The same Jonathan Gruber in 2009-2010 helped craft ACA which President Obama and Congress modeled after the Mass healthcare law.

     The Massachusetts health care plan has been successful for 7 years

      98% of all adults in Mass have health insurance

      99% of all children in Mass have health insurance

      Health insurance premiums in Mass are 20% to 40% lower

      Taxes in Mass were not increased after 2006 to pay for healthcare



 “The men American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars, the men they detest most violently are those who tell them the truth.”  H.L. Mencken


Please take a few minutes to do the research necessary to know who is telling you the truth about President Obama, the truth about health care, and the truth about other political issues of the day and pray for the knowledge to recognize the daring liars.




“I am ashamed to be here today and I accept full responsibility for my action.  I lost my way morally and developed a sense of entitlement and arrogance.” 


“I did nothing illegal.”



“I have been honest, forthright and acted with integrity, I made mistakes, but not one with malicious intent.”


Can you name the authors of the above statements, what they have in common, when it was said and the circumstances under which it was said.


All three are Republicans.

All three were highly regarded leaders in the Republican Party

The misconduct of all three involved money.


Statement 1 was made by John G. Rowland on March 8, 2005 after he pled guilty to accepting more than $100,000.00 in gifts, cash and vacations while Governor of Connecticut and was sentenced to one year in prison.


Rowland, one of the Republican Party’s brightest stars was elected to the Connecticut State House of Representatives at age 23 in 1980 where he served until 1984.  In 1984 he was elected to Congress from the 5th Congressional District and was re-elected in 1986, and 1988.  In 1994 at age 37 he became the youngest Governor in Connecticut history and was re-elected in 1998 and 2002.


Statement 2 was made by Bob McDonnell after he was indicted January 10, 2014 on 14 counts of corruption in office alleging he traded his influence as Governor of Virginia for more than $165,000 in loans and gifts from Jonnie Williams of Star Scientific Inc.  The indictment sets out a long list of gifts and loans which included designer clothes, shoes and accessories, a Rolex watch, $15,000 in catering expenses for  McDonnell’s daughter wedding, golf outings, vacation house stays and use of Williams Ferrari.  


McDonnell another rising star in the Republican Party was considered a potential presidential candidate and a possible running mate of Mitt Romney in 2012. McDonnell was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates from 1992 to 2006, was Attorney General of Virginia from 2006 to 2009 and was Governor of Virginia from January 16, 2010 to January 11, 2014.


McDonnell denied any illegal conduct and said he had been falsely and wrongfully accused.


McDonnell contends the GIFTS weren’t bribes because he never gave Williams anything that wasn’t a ROUTINE COURTESY DOLED OUT BY EVERY POLITICIAN FROM THE PRESIDENT ON DOWN.


Statement 3 was made by Mark Darr announcing his resignation as Lt. Governor of Arkansas effective February 1, 2014.


On November 2, 2010 Mark Darr was elected Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas and became the youngest Republican to win a statewide race.


The Arkansas Ethics Commission on December 19, 2013 found Darr guilty of 11 violations of ethics and campaign finance law and fined him $11,000.00. the largest fine  in history.  The Commission found Darr spent campaign funds for personal expenses, kept incomplete financial records and did not examine several campaign finance reports before he signed and submitted them, improperly used a state issued gas card and improperly claimed more than $9,000. for travel expenses.


On December 30, 2013 Darr signed an agreement with the State Ethics Commission  admitting his guilt and agreed to pay the $11,000. fine.


Darr held a press conference on January 7, 2014 saying  “it was an oversight.” “I erred in how I reported payments and fundraising activities.”  “Over the past three years I improperly collected almost $10,000 in travel reimbursement.” “I misused state funds by using the state federal credit card for personal expense” but such activities are  “not worthy of my removal from office.”


January 10, 2014 Darr announced his resignation effective February 1, 2014 saying “I made mistakes but not one with malicious intent.”


Which of the these Republicans expressed the Republican Party’s position on Republican officials who are found guilty of wrongfully accepting cash or favors or who improperly handle campaign or public funds.


Rowland who expressed “shame.”

McDonnell who said he did “nothing illegal.”

Darr who said “I have been honest.”


Does the Republican Party have one policy for Republicans found guilty of official misconduct and another policy for Democrats found guilty of official misconduct?

As an informed citizen how much time do you spend investigating the qualifications of



A “smart gun” is a gun which is equipped with technology such as RFID chips, fingerprint recognition or magnetic devices which render a gun harmless in the hands of anyone other than the gun owner.


For the first time in history Americans may go into a gun store and buy a “smart gun.” A few days ago The Oak Tree Gun Club, one of California’s largest firearms dealers offered for sale a 22 caliber pistol and a wrist watch.  Electronic chips inside the gun and watch must communicate before the gun will fire.  If the gun is not near the watch it will not fire. The Armatrix iPi is known as the iPhone of guns and is manufactured by Armatrix a German company. 


Newspapers and magazines in the last few days have published many articles about “smart guns” and James Mitchell, owner of The Oak Tree Gun Club says offering “smart guns” for sale will revolutionize the gun industry.


Using technology to create “smart guns” and make them safer to use is comparable to using technology to make cars safer which saved thousands of lives.


The American people, auto manufacturers and politicians all worked together to enact auto safety laws and regulations


Equipping autos with technology that made them safer to use has greatly reduced the number of Americans killed in automobile accidents although the number of registered autos INCREASED from 161 million in 1980 to 253 million in 2011 . In 1972 with a population of 209 million there were 54,589 people killed in auto accidents 26 for every 100,000 people. In 2011 with a population of 311 million there were 32,367 people killed in auto accidents 10.38 for every 100,000 people.


On Christmas 2012 2 year old Tymere Smith found his father’s gun in their Conway S.C Home and pulled the trigger killing himself.  10 year old Alfreddie Gipson in Memphis, Tennessee on the same date was fatally shot in the stomach with a gun he found under a mattress in his home. 


In February 2012 4 year old Joshua Johnson of Memphis shot and killed himself while playing with a gun he found in a shoebox in the home.


In February 2012 3 year old Miachel Easter of Liberty Township, Michigan found his father’s pistol on top of a dresser and accidentally shot and killed himself.


In  April 2012 a Toms River N.J. 4 year old shot and killed his 6 year old neighbor with a rifle that was unsecured in the home.


Tymere Smith, Alfreddie Gipson, Joshua Johnson, Miachel Easter and thousands of other young children who were accidentally killed with guns would be alive today had the guns they used been equipped with technology that rendered them harmless when in the hands of anyone other than the gun owner.


The seven police officers who were killed with their own weapon in 2010 would be alive today if their guns had become harmless in the hands of anyone other than the gun owner.


According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics about 232,000 guns are stolen each year and 25% of the criminal gun trafficking involves stolen guns.  Stolen guns could not be used  to kill and  commit other crimes if equipped with technology that disabled them when in the hands of anyone other than the gun owner.


Senator Ed Markey has prepared a bill  requiring all new guns to be equipped with technology which would render the gun harmless in the hands of thieves, small children or anyone other than the gun owner.


Ron Conway, a silicon Valley titan who was an early investor in Google and Facebook has launched a $1 million X Prize-like contest to encourage gun manufacturers to develop “smart gun” technology. 


Gun manufacturers who have developed “smart guns:” Armatrix, Smith and Wesson, Colt Manufacturing, Mossburg, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Trigger Smart in Ireland.


Many people have formed organizations to reduce the number of gun killings in America such as the parents of the 20 young children slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The Sandy Hook Promise Group has met with President Obama, numerous Congressmen and  political leaders, appeared before many Congressional committees and numerous state legislative bodies to promote ways to develop gun technology and reduce gun violence.


The American Tragedy—4 MILLION GUN KILLINGS FROM 1973 TO 2012.  Please join other concerned Americans in their effort to reduce the number of gun killings by making guns safer.