Friday, October 25, 2013



Now that Congress has agreed to fund the federal government until January 15, 2014 and lift the debt ceiling until February 7, 2014 commonly referred to, as (kickin the can down the road), in Washington D.C  ALL Republicans will unite, and fill the media 24/7 by repeating what they have been saying for almost 100 years –LOWER TAX RATES




Why are 1,342 billionaires living in the U.S., more than TEN times the number that live in China, the country in second place, and compared to 29 who live in Canada and 37 in Brazil?


Why is the U.S home to the world’s largest number of millionare households, 5.22 million, more than THREE times the number of millionaires who live in Japan, 1.53 million, which is in second place?


How did the following 20 Americans on Forbes list of  the 50  richest Americans accumulate their billions?


Bill Gates $72B (Billion), Warren Buffett $58.5B, Larry Ellison $41B, Charles Koch $36B, David Koch $36B, Christy Walton $35.4B, Jim Walton $33.8B, Alice Walton $33.5B, Robson Walton $33.3B, Miachel Bloomberg $31B, Sheldon Adelson $28.5B, Jeff Bezos $27.2B, Larry Page $24.9B, Sergey Brin $24.4B, Forrest Mars $20.5, Jacquelin Mars $20.5B, John Mars $20.5B, Carl Ican $20.3B, George Soros $20B, Mark Zuckerberger $19B


How did Sam Walton in 1969 take one store in Bentonville Arkansas and build Wal Mart into the second largest corporation in the world and make and keep enough money that 44 years later in 2013 four of his children would have enough assets to be listed as the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th richest people in America with assets worth more than $136 billion.


How did Frank Mars who started Mars Candy Company in 1911 make and keep enough money for family members to be listed as the 10th, 11th and 12th richest Americans 102 years later with assets worth more than $61 billion.


How did Exxon-Mobile make $82,561.00 PROFIT PER MINUTE FOR THREE MONTHS?


How did Fred Koch start Koch Industries in 1940 and his sons Charles and David  73 years later have enough assets to be  listed as America’s 4th and 5th richest Americans with assets worth more than  $72 billion.


How did Mark Zuckerberg start Facebook in 2004 and 9 years later at age 29 own enough assets to be listed as America’s 20th  richest person worth $19 billion.



Warren Buffett  the second richest man in America  PAYS a tax rate of 11.08% on his billions while his secretary pays a 35% tax rate.


Mitt Romney said for the past 10 years he had not paid a rate less than 13% on his $20 million dollar income he receives from his $250 million in various banks around the world which he accumulated after working only 15 years.


Almost two-thirds of ALL U.S corporations, 4.5 million “S” corporations , in 2013 filed 1120S tax forms and paid 0 FEDERAL CORPORATE INCOME TAX.


Corporations for profit in 2010 according to Forbes magazine PAY on average a tax rate of 12.6%.



A Republican President George W Bush and a Republican controlled Congress enacted the greatest tax rate cut in America’s history and America suffered the second greatest economic disaster in history—LOSING 2.6 million jobs the last year Bush was in the White House and INCREASING the national debt 100% the second highest percentage increase in history to Republican 300% Reagan.


A Democrat President, Bill Clinton and a Democrat controlled Congress INCREASED the tax rate  (without the vote of a single Republican who said  raising taxes  would cause the economy to collapse.)  During the time Clinton was in the White House 22 million new jobs were created, there was a budget surplus 4 years, there was a record 6 year drop of the number of people living in poverty, lowest unemployment rate in 30 years, lowest inflation since 1960


When Republican George W. Bush assumed office the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 10,587 and 7,949 when he left office.   The Dow has almost doubled under Democrat President  Obama and on October 18, 2013 was at 15,399




The Republican controlled House in September 2013 voted to CUT $40 BILLION from the Food Stamp Program and voted 42 times to deny 50 million Americans healthcare.




America’s richest 1%, millionaires and billionaires received the most benefits from the Bush low tax rates.


You have a choice support or reject politicians who would deny the poor and disabled health benefits and food stamps so Buffett and Romney CAN PAY LESS TAXES.




Thursday, October 24, 2013



“Raymond Sean Brown a 44 year old doctor from Cleveland, Tennessee is facing fraud charges after federal prosecutors accused him of getting $7.5 million in Medicare reimbursements for more than 17,000 injections he purportedly never gave.”


This recent article in the Arkansas-Democrat Gazette aroused my curiosity about how widespread was Medicare fraud, who was committing the fraud and who had the responsibility for preventing the fraud.




Many studies indicate Medicare fraud cost taxpayers more than $60 billion dollars a year and some estimates of the fraud are as high as $300 billion a year.


In 2012 Congress authorized Medicare to spend $536 billion to care for 50 million elderly and disabled Americans, 16% of the federal budget, an amount sufficient to attract fraudulent schemes.



The top 10 corporate fraud cases with the amount of false claims, and some of the fines paid are:


Tenet Healthcare--$900,000,000.—*HCA Healthcare-- $731,400.000.—paid over $840 million in criminal fines—Merck--$650,000.000.—*HCA—$631,000,000.—Serono--$567,000,000.--$136.9 million criminal fine—TAP--$559,483,560.--$290 million criminal fine—Schering Plough--$345,000,000— $180 million criminal fine.—Lilly Pharmacy--$438,000,00--$1.4 billion criminal fine—Abbots Labs $400,000,000.--$200 million criminal fines—Fresenius Medical $385,000,000.--$101 million criminal fines



Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S Constitution and the Constitutional amendments provide Congress shall have the power and authority over financial and budgetary matters and shall consist of 100 Senators and 435 House members. 


The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the Department Of Justice to be headed by the Attorney General who has the responsibility to prosecute all federal crimes such as Medicare fraud.




To perform their jobs taxpayers provide Senators an annual salary of $174,000.00, have an average size staff of 34 at an average annual salary of $116,573.00.  The 435 House members receive an annual salary of $174,000.00 have an average sized staff of 14 at an average annual salary of $97,619.00.


Taxpayers in 2012 provided the Justice Department $27.1 billion for prosecuting Medicare and other federal crimes.




A Democrat controlled Congress with a Democrat President in the White House passed Obamacare which contains stricter penalties for Medicare fraud and better procedures for enforcement and locating Medicare fraud.


A Democrat controlled Justice Department appointed by President Obama, a Democrat President led by Attorney General Eric Holder in May 2013 brought fraud charges against 89 doctors, nurses and other licensed medical professionals in 8 cities for $223 million in false Medicare billings.  This was the 6th national Medicare takedown involving 1,500 people being  charged with fraudulent Medicare schemes involving more than $5 billion.





Not a single Republican Congressman voted for Obamacare  with these stricter penalties and better enforcement of Medicare fraud.


The Republican controlled House has voted 42 times to repeal Obamacare at a cost of $1.45 millon per vote according to The Congressional Research Service.  You do the math on the total cost and time.



Numerous polls show only 10% of Americans approve of how Congress is performing its duty--9 out of 10 Americans DISAPPROVE  of the job Congress is doing.


The Senate and House have more than 40 Committees and many sub-committees, not one is called “Committee on Medicare Fraud.”


The last Congress (112) conducted more than 50 Committee hearings not one was on “Medicare Fraud.”



How many of the 535 Congressmen accepted campaign contributions from people or corporations convicted of Medicare fraud?


In the 2012 election cycle 1,331 Super PAC”S spent $609,417,654.00 on political candidates and issues but not ONE was formed to reduce “Medicare Fraud.”




* HCA (Hospital Care of America) is the largest healthcare for-profit operator in the world located at Nashville, Tennessee.  It was founded by Dr. Thomas Frist Sr. and his sons Dr. Thomas Frist Jr and Dr. Bill Frist.  Dr. Bill Frist owned millions of dollars in HCA stock while serving in the U.S. Senate from 1995-2007 and the last 4 years as Republican Senate Majority Leader.  HCA is # 2 and #4 on the list of  top corporate Medicare frauds.  HCA plead guilty to 14 felonies for fraudulent billings, kickbacks and false costs and paid more than $2 billion in reimbursements and criminal fines. Senate Republican Leader  Frist sold all of his stock in HCA July 1, 2005, two weeks before disappointing earnings were announced, and HCA paid $20 million to shareholders for Senator Frist’s insider trading and accounting fraud.

OCTOBER 3, 1963OCTOBER 3, 2013


President John F. Kennedy in his dedication speech at Greers Ferry Dam on October 3, 1963 described the Arkansas Congressional delegation in the following language:


“I suppose pound for pound the Arkansas delegation in the Congress of the United States wields more influence than any other delegation of any of the other 49 States. And I don’t  know whether  the people of Arkansas realize that your delegation holds within its hands, in a very real sense, not only a good many important measures which affect this State, but measures which also affect the country.”


“Senator Bill Fulbright, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee handled and passed legislation with great distinction which gave us some hope of preventing a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.  Senator John McClellan is handling the Congressional investigation of crime and corruption.  Congressman Oren Harris is handling legislation dealing with mental health and building medical schools. Congressman Trimble is chairman of the Rules Committee which all bills must go through before they go to the floor of the House. Congressman Wilbur Mills, Chairman of the most influential Ways and Means Committee in the House which just 10 days ago passed a tax reform bill.”


“I think it is important that you in Arkansas realize that the decision you make in electing your Congressman and Senator has an influence not only on the lives of the people of this State, but also on the lives of the people of the entire country.  And I think this State can take the greatest pride and satisfaction in the way it has met this great responsibility in the people it sent to deal with the Nation’s business.”




John McClellan served longer than any other U.S. Senator from Arkansas (1943-1977) during which time he was chairman of the Appropriations Committee  22 years and chairman of the Senate Permanent subcommittee on Investigations 15 years.


J. William Fulbright was U.S Senator from Arkansas 1945-1975 and served as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.


Wilbur D. Mills was an Arkansas congressman1939-1977 and served as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and is responsible for Medicare becoming law.


Took Gathings was an Arkansas congressman 1939-1969 and served as chairman of the House Agriculture Committee.


James W. Trimble was an Arkansas Congressman from 1944-1966 and a member of the powerful House Rules Committee


Oren Harris was an Arkansas Congressman 1953-1966 and served as chairman of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and directed 4 House sub committees.



Former President Clinton in his 50th anniversary speech of the Greers Ferry dedication

did not say (and no informed person believes) the 2013 Arkansas congressional delegation made up of 5 Republicans and 1 Democrat  “wields more influence than any other delegation of the other 49 states.”


95% of Americans on October 3, 2013 disapprove of the way the Arkansas congressional delegation, and the delegation from the other 49 states deal with the nation’s business.


In 2013 not one Arkansas Republican is serving as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Appropriations Committee, the Senate Permanent subcommittee on Investigations, the House Ways and Means Committee, the House Agriculture Committee, the House Rules Committee, or the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.


Not one Arkansas Republican can take credit for sponsoring or passing a bill, such as Medicare which Wilbur Mills sponsored and passed enabling over 50 million old and disabled Americans to live a longer and better life.


When the 2013 Arkansas Republican congressional delegation, as all Republicans for the past 75 years, campaigned on the promise to make government “smaller” few people expected  “smaller” meant  reducing government all the way to 0.


At midnight on September 30, 2013 the Arkansas Republican Congressional Delegation along with all other Republican Congressional delegations “shut the government down.”


Examine the records of  President Clinton, Senators Robinson, McClellan, Fulbright and Congressmen, Mills, Gathings, Trimble and Harris and the “influence” they had on important issues affecting Arkansas and the nation.


Examine the record of the Republicans Arkansas voters sent to Washington.  The American people have never selected an Arkansas Republican to live in the White House.  Name one Arkansas Republican who is/was as “influential” and affected Arkansas and national issues as much as President Clinton, Senators Robinson, McClellan, Fulbright, Congressmen, Mills, Gathings, Trimble, Harris and other Democrats who could be named.


It is important who the voters of Arkansas send to Washington to do the “nation’s business” and history shows whether they are a Republican or a Democrat does affect how they do the “nation’s business” so at every election please examine the record of the candidates and the record of their party and choose wisely.






651,697 Americans were killed in their homes, on the streets, in parking lots, in schools and other public and private places by gun violence in the 18 year period 1979 through 1997.  This was more than ALL Americans killed in battle in ALL wars since 1775 according to the National Center for Health Statistics.



A partial list of recent gun killings in the U. S with locations: Naval Yard and Army base protected by trained armed guards, 2 restaurants , 2 universities, street, movie theater, place of worship, sign company, shopping mall, elementary school, parking lot, beauty shop, beer distributor, nursing home and immigration center.


The dates and the number of people killed at the above locations: September 16, 2013-- 12, December 14, 2012 --27, December 11, 2012 --2, September 27, 2012 --5, August 5, 2012 –6,  April 2, 2012-- 7, March 30, 2012 –5,  October 12, 2011—8, September 6, 2011—5, January 8, 2011—6, August 3, 2010—8,  February 12, 2010—3, November 5, 2009—13, May 5, 2009—13, March 30, 2009—4, March 29, 2009—8, March 10, 2009—10.


The NRA and the gun industry have offered two solutions to reduce the number of gun killings (1) “The only thing that that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” (2)”Train and place armed guards at all schools.”


There are 331 million people in America.  Mr. LaPierre did not tell us the number of  “good guys”  but if 90% of the population  (280 million) are considered good guys, 280 million “good guys” needing guns to stop the “bad guys” would create millions of dollars in gun sale profits for the gun industry.


Would taxpayer be willing to pay the additional millions of dollars necessary to train 3.3 million teachers to be armed guards, buy over 3 million guns to protect 30.1 million students at over 135,000 elementary and secondary school buildings?


If armed guards would make schools safe or reduce gun killings why should armed guards be limited only to schools?  Why should Americans not be safe from gun killings while at a restaurant (616,000) at a beauty shop (289,000), at the theater (38,605) and senior citizens while in a nursing homes (16,000) and hundreds of other locations.


Armed guards did not keep12 people killed from being killed at the Washington D.C Naval Yard or 13 people from being killed at Fort Hood Army Base?


If more guns made a country safer from gun killings the U.S as the leading country in gun ownership with 8.8 of every 10 citizen owning a gun the U.S would be the safest country in the world.  And Japan with less than 1 gun (0.6) per 100 citizens would be the leading country in gun deaths.  In 2011 the U.S had 32,163 gun killings and Japan had fewer than 100 gun killings that year.


261 congressional candidates in 2011, 236 Republicans and 25 Democrats, accepted contributions from the NRA.  Follow the money and see if those 236 Republicans and those 25 Democrats vote with/against the NRA on gun issues.


One month after 20 6 and 7 year old children were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School gun sales were UP 400% and membership in the NRA skyrocketed.


Sandy Hook and other mass gun killings is the goose which lays golden eggs worth millions of dollars for the gun manufactures and the NRA.


For over 30 years Americans have attempted to enact reasonable, common sense laws and regulations relating to guns.


For over 30 years the NRA and gun industry have  spread fear which caused many good Americans to believe they would lose their guns and politicians to believe they would be defeated at the next elections and EVERY effort to enact reasonable, common sense laws and regulations has been defeated.


Many people believe the large numbers of Americans killed by guns is a national tragedy. For the gun industry and the NRA gun killings are an opportunity to make millions of dollars.


What will America do about gun killings in the future?  Continue with more guns, more killings and millions of dollars for the gun industry and the NRA or will we all work together and enact reasonable laws and regulations relating to guns and have fewer guns and have fewer gun killings as in other countries such as Japan, Canada, and  England.


Auto manufacturers worked with the American People and politicians to reduce the number of people killed in auto accidents and equip cars at the time they are manufactured with seat belts and air bags.  In 2007 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated 15,147 lives were saved by seat belts and had seat belts been used 100% of the time an additional 5,024 lives would have been saved and 2,788 lives were saved by airbags.


How many American lives would be saved if the NRA and the gun industry, like the auto industry, would work with the American people and politicians to equip guns at the time of manufacture with safety locks, with technology that would prevent anyone other than the owner being able to fire the gun and requiring gun owners to equip the guns they now own with safety locks and keep their guns in a secure place accessible only to the owner?