Sunday, May 25, 2014




Citing more than 100 years of Arkansas Supreme Court case law, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Tim Fox on Thursday voided the state’s voter photo-identification requirement in this language:

“Act 595 is unconstitutional as it adds additional qualifications for qualified voters not stated in Article 3 Section 1of the Arkansas Constitution.”  Arkansas Democrat Gazette

April 25, 2014


Courts in Texas, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have also held voter ID laws unconstitutional.


Jim Wright the 90 year old Former Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives said he was denied a voter ID card in November 2013 at a Texas Department of Safety office because his drivers license had expired and his university faculty ID did not satisfy the requirements of a 2011 voter ID law enacted by the Texas Legislature. 


Did the Republican controlled Arkansas Legislature pass the unconstitutional voter ID law to INCREASE or DECREASE the number of eligible voters?


Governor Beebe vetoed the bill saying it was unconstitutional.


However the Republican legislature ignored the Governor’s warning and wasted its time and wasted Arkansas taxpayer dollars overriding Beebe’s veto.


Did the Republican controlled Solid South, old Confederate States, from Texas to South Carolina, and more than 20 other Republican controlled states pass voter ID laws to INCREASE or to DECREASE the number of elgible voters? 


On October 25, 2013 Don Yelton a Buncombe County North Carolina Republican official said on the Jon Stewart TV show that the North Carolina voter law was passed to “kick the Democrats in the butt.”  Yelton said “if it hurts a bunch of college kids too lazy to get up off  their bohonkas and get a photo ID, so be it.  If it hurts a bunch of whites, so be it.  If it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it.”


Asked about his statements on the Stewart TV show by the Asheville Citizen Times newspaper Yelton refused to apologize and said he would not change anything he said in this language “ “There is noting I said that I would take back—so be it.”


Only white men who owned land or had other taxable wealth were elgible to vote when this country was formed.  Excluding white men who had no property, women, Native Americans and African Americans DECREASED the number of eligible voters.


In 1776 the State Constitutions of Delaware, South Carolina and Georgia required voters and office holders to be of the “Protestant” faith which DECREASED the number of people elgible to vote and was specifically aimed at Jews, Catholics and Quakers. 


The 14th Amendment to the U.S Constitution in 1868 (all U.S. Citizens), The 15th Amendment in 1870 (African Americans),The 19th Amendment in 1920 (women) and the 24th Amendment in 1964 (abolished the poll tax) ALL INCREASED the number of people eligible to vote.


2010 General Election in Arkansas

2,204,443 citizens over age 18

1,638,135 citizens registered to vote

566,308—eligible citizens didn’t bother to register

779,957—47.61% of those registered voted.

64.51%, the highest percentage, was Clark County and Jefferson County was the lowest with 37.44%.

9,108 of the 18,362, 49.60%, of the Cleburne County registered voter voted.  (Information from census records and records of Arkansas Secretary of State)


Which group are you in?

The 566,308 who don’t bother to register to vote.

The 52.39% majority who registered but didn’t vote

The 47.61% minority who registered and voted.


In previous elections did you vote FOR a candidate or did you vote AGAINST Obama, Obamacare, Pelosi, Reid?


In future elections will you be in the majority and not register or not vote—if you vote will you be voting FOR a candidate or will you be voting AGAINST some person whose name is not on the ballot.


The motive for every law relating to voter qualifications is to INCREASE or to DECREASE the number of eligible voters.


Are you working to INCREASE the number of eligible voter by encouraging people to become informed about the candidates, informed on the issues, to vote and become more active in the political process or are you working to DECREASE  the number of eligible voters by voting for candidates who support unconstitutional voter ID laws?


Who is responsible for a Congress with less than a 10% approval rating and the “mess in Washington”—look in the mirror—your failure to vote or your failure to vote intelligently is responsible for the government we have.
















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