Friday, May 24, 2013



Republican politicians claim the people in Arkansas have lived in bondage for more than 130 years under the rule of the liberal, tax and spend, Socialist, big government, Democrats.  Bondage much like the children of Israel suffered in Egypt.  Republicans tell the people of Arkansas their bondage is about to end. Republicans will control Arkansas politics from top to bottom and a modern day Republican Moses will emerge and transform Arkansas into the promised land—a land flowing with milk and honey.
For the first time since the 1870’s the Arkansas legislature is controlled by lower taxes, less government, conservative, caring, Christian, Republicans who in their first session passed:  (1) A bill aimed at protecting those wandering in the wilderness from feral hogs which law  provides a $5,000.00 fine and two years in prison for anyone found guilty of releasing a Razorback on public land   (2) A bill restoring your freedom to buy raw  milk (3) Two unconstitutional abortion bills which will be litigated for years in the courts, and will cost taxpayers of Arkansas millions of dollars in court costs and attorneys fees (4) A voter ID law which it is estimated will cost $300,000.00 to implement (5) Reduced the state income taxes for the richest (5) Reduced the amount of unemployment benefits for the poorest (6) Waived and deferred millions of dollars in taxes and authorized the State of Arkansas to issue $125 million in bonds, (corporate welfare) to build the billionaire Koch brothers a steel mill near Osceola.  A steel mill some say will fail because there are currently two steel mills near Osceola.

The NRA’S choice for Arkansas Moses--Asa Hutchinson. The NRA advanced Hutchinson a million dollars to use in his campaign for Moses of Arkansas which the NRA called money for a study of gun killings in schools.  Hutchinson’s study recommended the same plan the NRA’s LaPierre announced in December 2012.  A plan which would sell millions of dollars worth of guns to every school in America to arm the teachers and school staff.

State Republican Senator Jason Rapert began his campaign to become the Tea Party’s nominee for Arkansas Moses when he, to loud applause, told a Tea Party rally at Conway:  “We’re not going to allow minorities to run roughshod over what you people believe.”

Jon Hubbard, Loy Mauch, and Charles Fuquay held positions of honor in Arkansas Republican politics and each believed he possessed all the qualifications to be the Moses of Arkansas.   However Mauch, Hubbard  and Fuquay made statements which other Republican leaders considered  divisive,  statements which created discord among the people and all three were found  unacceptable for the role of Moses..   Those divisive statements were:  (1)  Slavery was beneficial for African Americans, (2) Muslims should be expelled from America,  (3) Rebellious children should be put to death, and (4) Abraham Lincoln was a terrorist.  

Grover Norquist has not revealed his choice for Moses.  Since his American for Tax Reform spent $230,000.00 promoting 11 Arkansas Legislative candidates during the final week of the 2012 general election he most assuredly will have a nominee for the Moses of Arkansas.   

The Koch brothers who donated $5.2 million to state candidates and ballot issues in 34 states from 2003 to 2010 will certainly have a nominee for the Moses of Arkansas.  A Moses who they expect to protect their millions of taxpayer dollars in corporate welfare for their steel mill.   A Moses who will protect their timber holdings in south Arkansas.

Many folks believe the modern day Arkansas Moses, regardless of who is anointed, and his Republican followers like the Moses and his followers of Biblical times are destined to wander for 40 years in the Republican wilderness of less government and lower taxes and Republicans will never transform Arkansas into a land flowing with milk and honey as promised.

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